By clicking submit you certify and agree to the following:
- A one-time fee of $10.00 for all alarm registrations. Check payable to the “Borough of Brielle”.
- I am the applicant named in the foregoing application and I am duly authorized to make this Certification.
- I am familiar with and understand the Alarm system regulations applicable in the Borough of Brielle as set forth in Ordinance No. 812 1991 and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto, and I agree to conform with such standards and regulations at all times.
- I understand and agree that the Borough of Brielle assumes no responsibility for the location and maintenance of the Alarm System.
- I agree to indemnify and hold the Borough Harmless form and on account of any and all claims for damages, including legal fees and cost of such, arising out of any activity allowed by this permit.
- I agree to inform the Chief of Police or his designated representative in writing of any alteration or change from this application, which shall then be approved by the Chief of Police or his designated representative.
- I understand and agree that the approval of this application does not constitute a privilege to violate the Building Code, Zoning Ordinance or other Ordinances of the Borough of Brielle.
- I understand and agree that any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of a material fact with or without intention of the undersigned shall constitute sufficient grounds for denial of this application or for the revocation of any permit issued which was based on the approval of this application.
- I certify at the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.
**Alarm application will not be registered until approval of the Chief of Police or his designated representative.**